You come home after a long day at work, excited to have dinner with your beautiful wife.
But when you walk through the door, you quickly realize that she's not there.
In the kitchen, there is a pot on the stove, and vegetables on the counter, abandoned.
Her cellphone and her purse are still in the house, in the bedroom, exactly where she keeps them.
It looks like she's left in a blind panic.
You fear the worst, so you call her friends to see if they know where she is.
Then you call the police.
The police tell you that your wife's been in an accident. They found her in the worst part of town, after she lost control of the car while speeding through the streets. But why would she go to that neighbourhood? And why was she driving so fast? Was she running toward something? Or away from something?
The police think your wife was up to no good.
You refuse to believe it, at first.
Then, as the stories and facts don't line up, and your wife can't remember what happened that evening, you start to wonder. You've been married for two years and you thought you knew her better than anyone else in the world . . .
. . . but maybe you don't.
But when you walk through the door, you quickly realize that she's not there.
In the kitchen, there is a pot on the stove, and vegetables on the counter, abandoned.
Her cellphone and her purse are still in the house, in the bedroom, exactly where she keeps them.
It looks like she's left in a blind panic.
You fear the worst, so you call her friends to see if they know where she is.
Then you call the police.
The police tell you that your wife's been in an accident. They found her in the worst part of town, after she lost control of the car while speeding through the streets. But why would she go to that neighbourhood? And why was she driving so fast? Was she running toward something? Or away from something?
The police think your wife was up to no good.
You refuse to believe it, at first.
Then, as the stories and facts don't line up, and your wife can't remember what happened that evening, you start to wonder. You've been married for two years and you thought you knew her better than anyone else in the world . . .
. . . but maybe you don't.
Un petit résumé maison: Une femme fait un terrible accident dans un quartier malfamé après avoir laissé ses clés, son sac à main et la porte de la maison déverrouillée derrière elle. Lorsque son mari rentre du travail et trouve la maison vide en prenant connaissance de tout cela, il appelle la police, mais ils sont déjà là...
Charmée par son premier roman Le couple d'à côté, j'avais excessivement hâte de lire son tout dernier paru. Pas déçue. Si l'auteure s'amuse à nous dévoiler le coupable à la moitié de l'histoire, elle ne manque pas d'imagination pour nous balader en plein labyrinthe faisant en sorte de mêler les cartes jusqu'à la dernière page! Semant le doute dans notre esprit, on en vient à finalement suspecter pratiquement tous les personnages... Elle joue avec mes nerfs, mais je l'adore! Elle a une technique bien particulière. Je ne suis pas experte dans le genre, mais j'ai rarement vu un auteur qui arrive à satisfaire son lecteur même s'il lui a déjà écrit noir sur blanc la réponse en milieu de livre.
L'amnésie semble être la solution facile pour Shari Lapena. Si sa façon de l'utiliser dans Le couple d'à côté m'avait légèrement agacée, j'ai trouvé qu'elle servait bien le personnage de Karen dans celui-ci.
Je suis maintenant une fan de l'auteure. Deux en deux, je m'abonne! Sa dernière page me laisse toujours sur un brin de frustration, car non, Shari Lapena ne laisse jamais personne dormir tranquille, mais c'est sa signature et c'est certainement ce qui fait son succès!
ISBN: 9780385686976